Saturday, August 30, 2008

Mom's turn: A New Level

My HH has reached even a higher level of Monk-ism than I have!!! He ironed our sheets before he made the bed :-/ Hmmm, am I really supposed to SLEEP on them?

Samson & I rested with our feet up while we laughed at Daddy for ironing the sheets

Okay - I must admit...after sleeping on them he may be in trouble now! They really were much more comfortable. I might be spoiled now!


Unknown said...

That reminds me of someone I worked with who, as a joke, stiffly starched her husband's "old man" boxer shorts. He liked them. "Hey, honey. Whatever you did to my boxers, keep doing it!" Yeah, right.

I used to iron Steve's hankies. This was "bc" - before children.