Friday, March 7, 2008

Mom's turn: Running with the Kenyans

…okay, well maybe with them isn’t quite an accurate declaration. More like just in the same race as they are in would be a better statement!! The Kenyans usually run, uh WIN, the CCC; it’s used as an international qualifier for many other events. My family and I are running for our health – that’s a funny concept because since I’ve been running I’ve had more injuries trying to get “healthy” than when I was content to be a couch potato and sleep in on weekends!!

SOOOO – with all of my new found injuries, I have discovered quite a bit about the running mechanics of shoes.

More bars in more places...a new way to communicate

(Teeny's, mine, Travis')

It amazes me that the Kenyans can run barefoot through the desert and I have to log mileage on my shoes to be sure that I replace them in time and avoid more injuries!! For people who are prone to injuries it is recommended that you replace your shoes every 300 miles.

Nothing's better than the smell of new shoes!!!

(mine, Teeny's, Travis')

Also, you should alternate shoes on consecutive running days; in other words always have two pair by the treadmill.

the "alternate" pairs

(mine & Travis')

I put so much energy into the thought process of my training you would think I was a champion of some sort instead of the over one-hour 10k seeded runner that I am!!

the retired pairs, used only for walking or hiking (or in Teeny's case - thrown away all together so the smell would stop infiltrating the rest of the house!!!!)

Travis', Teeny's & , mine

For my foot and knee issues – the shoes that I need are the Asics GEL-Nimbus; they provide more cushion and enhance the foot’s natural gait, in turn helping my knee track better. Along with my fancy shoes I wear a knee brace while I run.

Teeny’s are the MIZUNO Wave Inspire to help control her over-pronation problems…which aggravates the shin muscle and makes her more likely to get shin splints and twist her ankles. Definitely NOT what we need since she has already suffered a broken ankle this soccer season! So along with her super shoes she wears an ankle brace while she runs.

Travis started with extra control shoes because he has flat feet and had issues with plantar fascitis, but after cortisone injections and foot binding he has improved and moved up to the MIZUNO Wave Inspire like Teeny. He doesn’t get to run with any funny looking stuff like me and Teeny…hmmm, somehow that doesn’t seem fair!

a shmorgesborg of foot oder

So, looking stylish with all of our nerdy running gear, we have a race tomorrow and the weather is supposed to be freezing and raining - oh boy!!!!!!!! Whose idea was this running stuff anyway?? I'm not even sure Travis will be able to run because he pulled his Achill's tendon on Wednesday's training run (nothing but ice for him). We are on the Tyler-Possa team with my friend and the race is the Komen's run for the Cure (to benefit cancer research); I believe in torturing myself for a purpose! It helps remind me that I'm strong and able bodied and that life is great in spite of all of my injuries! And with that in mind, hopefully I can make a difference for those who are not quite as fortunate.

Samson says, "where are mine...I'm ready to run!"