Monday, March 17, 2008

Mom's turn: 7 things

This challenge is from Ginger. It was suggested for fun I should share 7 Things You May Not Know About Me:
1) I went to 10 different schools (that I can remember) from k-12 while growing up, and no I was not a military brat.
2) I played the flute in high school. I actually played very well, but I didn’t pursue it in college.
3) I went to UNO, Delgado, & LSU for a combined effort in my two degrees…which I no longer use as I am a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom) thanks to my fabulous husband’s hard work!
4) I was raised as an only child and discovered when I was 18 that I had a half brother, Roland, who had just recently been born.
5) I grew up with just “me and my mom” and inherited a rather large family when I met and married my husband…I claim his grandmother as my own.
6) I never had an athletic bone in my body until I started bicycling at 23…again, thanks to my husband. (That’s why I originally joined band in high school – to get out of gym class!). Now I seem to be out of control with both running and cycling at any chance I get!
7) I never had wisdom teeth. LUCKY ME!!!!!
So, there you go. If you are reading this, consider yourself tagged. Post a comment so I can check out YOUR seven things


Unknown said...

Some of those things I never knew! Very interesting!

I have wisdom teeth (I think maybe two), but they aren't bothering anybody. They say since I haven't had trouble with them by this time, I probably never will. :^) Lucky us!