Monday, March 24, 2008


I have found a bunch of really good songs in the past month from Pandora (a really good sight) and a friend.
Some of these songs are:

Miss murder – AFI
Love like winter - AFI
Last lullaby - Cage9
Im so sick - Flyleaf
Fully Alive -Flyleaf
Cassie - Flyleaf

My friend also just informed me that Flyleaf is a Christian band; and infact the song Cassie is about the girl who was put to gunpoint at Columbine massacre and was asked if she belived in God. She said yes, and was shot.

Anybody who likes pop/rock should check theses songs out.

Pandora is a REALLY cool website. It basically makes a radio station of songs you like.
Really cool here is the website! Enjoy!