Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mom's turn: Saying goodbye

me at the top of the Painter Boy lift - our favorite resting to the coffee house with Irish coffee and brats with sourkraut!!!!

Time to say goodbye to Colorado – we made some fantastic memories during our vacation and even got to see some bears…well, not exactly the ones we were hoping for! was Bubby and Betty Bear, the Crested Butte mascotts who were having fun with the girls, Christina & Karson.

We tried to spend as much time up on the mountain as possible today knowing that this might be the last time for a while that we get to come back.

uh...who taught her how to ski? This was AFTER the wrist was splinted - thank you very much :-/

And we found some crazy snowmen that made us smile…we didn't make any because we were too busy skiing!

We even spent half of our last night playing in the snow under the beatiful, almost full, moon.

me & Travis...still playing like we're young again

While we were out there we spotted a fox - unfortunately he got away before we got our camera!!

my midnight beauty queen

So we took more family pictures instead.

Kyle, Karson, Kole, & Kristian...all sporting their "ski tans" for their Christmas card picture :-D

And after another beautiful sunrise and one final goodbye to the mountain...we were off! First stop - breakfast!