Friday, October 12, 2007

Mom's turn: Foot fetish

Feet are one of those things you don’t give a whole lot of thought to until something goes wrong. I have discovered I love my feet!!! They have taken me thousands of miles over the past thirty-ummm years.

Happy feet

However about three years ago I developed some pain while walking on the ball of my foot. It felt as if a lightening bolt was sent down to the tip of my fourth toe on my right foot every time I rolled over the ball of my foot. This sensation came and went, though, so I didn’t seek medical attention as I was unsure how to discuss something that wasn’t there with a doctor. Finally – fortunately or unfortunately, depending on my mood for the day – the pain stayed constant most of the time and I was able to have the podiatrist look at it.

He diagnosed me as having a Morton’s Neuroma, a condition most often seen in women because they wear high heeled and/or tight fitting shoes. Well – for anyone who knows me knows this is not my case…I live for Crocs, flip-flops (preferably with sparkles), Birkenstocks, bare feet, or my very well-fitting running shoes. So the initial therapy of “changing to proper fitting shoes” was not a great starting point. Next on his list of treatments was an orthoses, or a “custom shoe insert and pad also help relieve irritation by lifting and separating the bones, reducing the pressure on the nerve.” This worked for my running and cycling shoes initially, but when the nerve was flared up that didn’t even help. Not to mention – this did not work for flip-flops and they are a must during the summer in the South.

So then we moved on the final option…surgery.

Love the betadine tan

I was not very thrilled with this alternative as it leaves me laid up for several weeks and unable to train for my running or cycling events! So we planned it after one of our major annual events, the MS Tour for Cure (see previous blog) – and now here I sit. I guess it’s a good thing – although I haven’t gotten that far in my recovery to really feel that way. My surgeon said it was “the biggest neuroma I’ve ever seen.” Hmm…do I get a booby-prize for that?

I do have the best care-givers in the world assuring my comfort every moment of my recovery. My hubby has been making sure I can get a peek of the awesome weather by helping me outside,

the window opens in our bedroom to the back yard - weather was perfect

my daughter has been wonderful at checking on me and caring for our fur-babies, and my dog has been the guardian of the ice-pack…not letting anyone near his injured mom’s foot!

Samson wondering why I won't play

And of course grandma has sent over wonderfully prepared food dishes so we can rest with full bellies. I have also come to the conclusion that boo-boos feel better wrapped in love…I’ve spent the better part of this week wrapped up in a beautiful quilt my friend made for me. It must have magic in it; it takes all the pain away!

The "Pretty Purple Quilt" - handmade by a super-crafty friend

Thanks to all of my family and fabulous friends for checking on me, helping me smile, and sending me love.

Look at that stylish boot!!!

I am supposed to be down for 4-6 weeks - able to run and cycle in hopefully 8. Trying to behave myself...check for updates :-D