Monday, October 15, 2007

Mom's turn: He Makes Me SMILE

The captor of my heart

There’s nothing quite as special as innocent, undemanding love. No matter what my mood is, when those adorable, melt-my-heart, brown eyes look up at me I smile.

pleeeeease pick me up

waiting patiently by my feet

He thinks he’s a person…well, a prince really! ALL pillows are subject to his claim – it is assumed they were laid out especially for him.
The story of the "prince(ss) and the pea" come to mind
Then there is “the bone”…if I didn’t know for sure I’d swear they were made with some sort of doggy-nip in the middle!
He loves to play chase with it, and only after about a month of that does he deem it worthy to chew.
And as handsome as he is – well, we all have our “bad hair” days.
Somehow he seems to be smiling in spite of it…there is a lesson to be learned from that, I’m sure.
I know I'm still adorable - life it good
He shares my joys, pain, sadness, and heart so completely it’s hard to believe he’s covered in fur.


Anonymous said...

This blog, from beginning to end
would make an adorable children's book!!!
I dare you to do it!!!!
Love, aj