Thursday, July 24, 2008

Camping in the Smokies

Well I cant say I had FUN at my camp...but it was definitely a experience :-) In the one week I was at camp I got stung more times than I ever have in my life. It was many different things that stung me: 3 yellow jackets, 2 bees, 1 sweat bee, ant the worst one out of all a hornet! That was a MEAN sting. My thigh broke out in hives and swelled up. I also got stung by a plant called stinging nettle. It hurt worse than a yellow jackets, but not quite as bad as the hornet.

We played a lot of games. Some of the games we played are: professional 20 questions, Killer, Clothes pin, and a few card games at night.

Going to the bathroom was not fun. We used leaves to wipe, and when we had to do more that just pee, we would take Stanly the shovel for a walk. ;-) "Who is Stanly the shovel?" you might ask. He is the shovel that digs your toilet! “The better your aim the smaller your hole can be.” Was our quote from the leaders Brian and Mary.

There were 16 kids total at camp. We got divided into 2 different groups. In my group there was:

Winona, the vegan. It was interesting watching what all she ate, or should I say what little she ate.

Nathan, “sexy white”. I honestly think he made the trip. He was so funny and didn’t even know he was being funny.

Kyle, my kooky cousin.

Marie-Claire, she was pretty outgoing

Ian, nice...a little full of himself, but nice.

Sam, got distracted VERY easily
Tyler, DON’T get him started on religion or will never stop him.

More of my experiences to be shared later!!!


Unknown said...

Christina, you may not have described the experience as "fun," but I'm sure it was one you will never forget!

(As for me, I want a REAL bathroom with hot water and flush toilets - KOA is about as "rough" as I get!)