Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mom's turn: All wet

Well, today should be the high ropes course for Christina – we will have to verify when I pick her up…because I can’t talk to her for 10 days!!!!! AHHHHHHH, okay, I’m calm! While she’s swinging through the air like a monkey we are off to go white water rafting on the gorgeous Nantahala River! First stop was the NOC because Travis needed some water shoes. Leave it to him to find the strangest looking pair possible! They are barefoot technology by Vibram Five Fingers and are supposed to be the best possible thing for your feet. They still look like alien feet to me! We also found some irresistible t-shirts for each one of us. The Nantahala does have a Class V rapid on it, however we left that to the pros and I just bought the shirt. For Travis – well, I think it’s pretty self-explanatory…but if you’re at a loss, it’s a reference to the movie Deliverance. We found out later that it is thanks to this movie that rafting got it’s start on the rivers up here. Since we had all previously been on guided rafting tours, we went for the more adventurous route in individual duckies. That is definitely the best way to experience the rapids – up close and personal!! The water was a nippy 50° and the trip took about 3 hours. Our guide was awesome and made us feel like experts. Everything was great – until the very last rapid! Travis mastered it, Kay concentrated her way through it, and Kristian – well he practiced the white water swimmer technique! And finally me…all smiles and then UH-OH! Whew, I saved it!!! We had so much fun we’re headed to the Ocoee River on Thursday to try our hand at a faster and higher class of rapids!! Stay tuned :-D


Unknown said...

Travis' alien feet are quite, um, interesting.

I must say I laughed out loud at the snap of you with your leg up in the air. That was funny! But at least you kept your legs out of the water!!!