Saturday, May 31, 2008

Mom's turn: Finishing Touches

Okay – we got Christina’s mango wood bench in and her loft came together fantastically. Most of the authentic decorations have come from grandma, who has been great at helping even though she lives in Eureka Springs, AR and has never seen the room before. She has a knack for “finding just the right thing” and saving it for you. Lots of hand made details were added to help it look finished, but it takes some help to find them.
A resting place for all fo the stuffed animals...including several Neopets hiding in there.

What kid's room/area is complete without the obligatory poster...

in Japanese, of course.

With hand-dipped, gold pins

ooops - looks like they weren't "done"...I spy a fingerprint

And the Japanese bamboo shade along with

authentic Japanese calligraphy done on rice paper that I purchased in Colorado last year. And a painting...

done by yours truly...
I have no idea what I wrote - I simply picked two katakana characters that I thought looked pretty :-D And some kanji characters done by her friend.
love, happiness, and peace...perhaps not in that order, I can't tell

A nice wood table to hold the red paper lamp, another treat from Colorado, the essential radio, and Japanese vase. Under which hides her beading supplies and another vase from grandma...
with a treasure inside.

a graphite sculpture so she can sign her art work with a "work of art"...again, from Colorado. They have a bunch of neat stuff there!! :-D

And the first pillow I attempted to make... many more of these did I say we were going to do??

And finally, THE BENCH...
how perfect is that with grandma's lamp, red vase, and lamb skin rug to lay on!?!?!

along with the gold & black fringed lamp shade I made.

Now - a few more decorations need to find a home...another shelf perhaps?