Friday, April 25, 2008

Mom's turn: You look like a monkey...

...and you smell like one too!

Christina and Brooke, "are we there yet?"

We went to the Zoo to Do in New Orleans tonight. This event helped generate revenue for the tropical bird house. We have been a member of the zoo for years but have never participated in this event…so we invited a friend along to share the experience with us as well! First stop was dinner at an outside table with pizza, pasta, and wraps…one of each, please.

ugh - give the girl some caffiene!

mamma's little darling
Then on to the zoo! It wasn’t quite what we expected as it seemed geared towards younger children mostly, but that didn’t stop my giggling duo from finding plenty to enjoy. We were surprised, however, that patrons were unable to access the entire zoo or see any of the animals besides the last few peacocks that hadn’t quite found their roosting spot. Besides the myriad of sweets that were available and tons of give-a-ways, there were several tables set up for face painting and temporary tattoos. I think this is where the girls got the most enjoyment.

Face painting -

Temporary airbrushed tattoos -

the pink makes it "girly", don't you think?

After all was enjoyed we went through the gift shop for more goodies and then piled into the car for the long ride home.

Still kids at heart!


Unknown said...

Looks like a fun time was had by all! Thanks for inviting the Brookster along.