Saturday, April 26, 2008

Mom's turn: Jambalaya anyone?

Today I found my first magnolia bloom!!! I was so excited I plucked it and brought it inside so the aroma could fill the house. To me the magnolia blossom is not only our state flower but also the essence of southern living. Mine seems to have bloomed later than most trees that I’ve seen in the neighborhood, though. I’ve been watching the buds swell and wondering what keeps happening to them. My tree is by far the most mature – standing well over 60’…so what is the problem!?!?!?! AH-HA, there is the culprit. He looks so innocent, huh? Don’t let him fool you…I caught him on the run after he ate one of my buds!! So I told Travis he needs to get the BB gun out and get some of those pests…I’m in the mood for some squirrel jambalaya anyway!