Thursday, April 24, 2008

Mom's turn: Lagniappe

All of our work in the yard produces a veritable jungle for wildlife to enjoy and a fertile ground for indigenous plants to spring up. With some encouragement we can promote more “good” creatures to help extinguish the “bad” in a natural way instead of using pesticides. Along with them being useful, we can enjoy their beauty as well.

sweet honey suckle to eat and encourage bees for vegetable pollenation

skinks...great slug eaters

another beautiful plant that attracts humming birds

potential toad house...just needs to be partially burried in the ground

handsome lizzard...that is obviously not phased by the poinson ivy jungle growing up the tree!! Now if I could only get him to eat that!


Unknown said...

Okay, whose hand was it holding that skink? :::shudder::: Yuck!

And make sure you don't let me anywhere near the poison ivy tree! I have enough of it growing in MY backyard!