Thursday, April 24, 2008

Mom's turn: Garden Madness

If I’m a biking nerd, as my HH says, then he is by far a much bigger gardening nerd!!! Between composting, babying new seedlings inside with a thermometer on my stove,
and now compost tea. HUH?!?!?!?! He definitely takes organic gardening to heart; I’m so glad he’s got his “happy” back even if it means a bucket of bubbling muck, I mean tea, in his office!

humble beginnings

lots of hard work

a little bit of extra love

protection from the hungry wildlife

and figs

vine ripening blackberries

perfect tomatoes

and sweet raspberries on the way

My HH’s hard work is certainly paying off…we have a beautiful garden that is going to produce tons of fruit & veggies!! I’m so excited!


Unknown said...

I'm jealous! Save me some figs!