Saturday, January 26, 2008

Mom's turn: Race Day!

Today my husband tried to kill me! Okay – perhaps not intentionally, but that’s how I felt all the same! He signed us up for the Mardi Gras Mambo 10k race as “practice” for the CCC in March! HUH!?!?!?! With encouraging words and an excellent cup of Kenyan coffee (it helps with speed, I swear!) he woke me up at 6:30am!! To my dismay, the thermometer read just barely 42 degrees (which, by Southern standards, is freezing!) and it was misting outside! At least he was willing to suffer with me; it must be love. So to the unpacked boxes for “cold weather” running gear and out the door we went. Try as a might, I couldn’t be my PR of the last 10k I ran before my foot surgery, but it’s really all about the SWAG! I got a fantastic new shirt and will be the envy of every Mardi-Gras goer this year…that’s what I keep telling myself! I will never admit I’m psychotic just for the thrill of the run!

Samson helping with the post-run recovery session...A NAP!