Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Mom's turn: Warm Fuzzies

My grandma taught me to knit when I was very young, around 6 or so. She was a nurse and, if I remember the story correctly, used to knit ace bandages on the smallest needles possible for the soldiers during WWII. After she passed away when I was 12 I put my needles down and forgot about the craft for many years. It took a young and fresh curiosity in the form of my daughter for me to dig them back out again. She was interested in learning how to knit because she found an old pillow I made when I first started. Hmmm…I was a bit rusty, but with the help if the internet and a few books from the library full of easy patterns we were able to muddle through a few scarves and hats for family, friends, and animals.
Sara enjoying her mardi-gras scarf I made
I eventually got brave enough and started on an afghan for my DD's hope chest. It might be finished by the time she moves out! With most of those projects finished I FINALLY made something for me! I found the pattern for this simple capelet on the Lion Brand website. They said it was a “beginner skill level”. WELL – I had enough trouble with it that I guess I’m not ready to move on to the next level as hoped yet. I got ambitious afterwards and purchased a pattern for a shawl. Now I am at a total loss on how to start the silly thing. UGH. Back to the afghan!


Anonymous said...

WOW!!! That's really pretty! Makes you look Sexy! ;-* Dori

Unknown said...

That's a whole lot better than I could do! I've never ventured into knitting - I can't even figure out crocheting and it just uses ONE needle!