O'Malley with his winter coat partially grown out now - we'll get him PROFESSIONALLY groomed in mid-March
When my DD was younger, she decided to take on the task of shaving her dog’s winter coat off for the summer…with a pair of scissors! He’s half
Pomeranian and has a
lot of hair when his coat has grown out, so needless to say, he looked incredibly “holey” after she was finished and we referred to him as the
wiffle dog for an entire year! She was heartbroken because my first reaction was to laugh hysterically when she produced her “groomed O’Malley”. I felt so bad because through her little tears she said, “I was just trying to save you some money.” BAD MOMMY!!!!!! I think I made up for the feeling-blunder though, because now it’s a running family joke that she even laughs about.
My other fur-baby needs daily grooming, just brushing to prevent matting, when he’s sporting a
show coat and weekly grooming, which includes dental hygiene as well, when I keep him in a
puppy cut.
Sporting a freshly trimmed "puppy cut"...but it was cold that day so we needed a sweater to go with it.
A full groom session, which I do every two weeks or so, takes me a little over an hour and includes: trimming his toenails, “buzzing” his ears and paw pads, rounding his fur shape on his upper paws, conditioning his pads, brushing his teeth, conditioning his coat, and redoing his
topknot (complete with bow even though he’s a male
Yorkshire Terrier…there are
plenty of “boy bows” available).
when my beard gets too long I step on it when I play "bone"...I don't like that!
For the last two years I’ve kept him in a shorter coat
my first haircut...mommy cried!!!
…my HH has convinced me he’s happier and can play more.
goodness knows he has enough toys!!!
Also – honestly it’s less I have to keep up with even though I think he was absolutely the most beautiful Yorkie I had ever seen when he was in full show coat!!!
The most frequent question I get is, “how do you get him to hold still for that?” I promise this is not a problem…he sees it as his personal spa day when life is definitely ALL ABOUT ME in his melt-your-heart brown eyes!
He usually falls asleep in my lap during the process, waking up only when nudged at the end to run directly to the cabinet for his “good boy” treat when we’re done!!
pampering time...he has is very own "groomy box" full of STUFF who's interrupting with that flash?!?!?!?is it time for my foot rub yet???? I like my pads conditioned :-)