Thursday, December 13, 2007

Mom's turn:At the Christmas spirit

The most exciting thing this year, aside from finally finding all of our Christmas decorations after the move, is to have a mantel to decorate and hang our stockings from! Now I am still waiting for our weather to get cold enough to use the fireplace again...the woas of living in a Southern state. But with the Christmas music in the background and the a/c down to 65 degrees - it's getting easier to long as you don't go outside!!! heehee

Notice Santa's little helper sitting in the chair wondering where his stocking is!

The diligence of searching for the perfect tree paid off - look how beautiful...with one loan present underneath. SOMEONE's been good this year :-D

And it just wouldn't be complete without a visit to Santa Paws at PetCo!!! Procedes for the photos were used to help homeless pets.


Ashley said...

Glad to see you are finally in the Christmas spirit! Tree looks great and the boys look handsome as always.

Anonymous said...

uh ya!

where is "Dancing's" stocking???

& O'Malley?????? was he in the boxes looking for them???

gosh mom....that's sad!
those little boys need stockings too!