Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the...

The female golden silk spider (Nephila clavipes), commonly miss-identified as the banana spider, is black and yellow with long fuzzy feet, and about the size of the palm of your hand. The female golden silk spiders usually are 5 to 6 times larger than the male spider. The habitats of these spiders are places with high humidity (Ex: Louisiana). The web of the golden silk spider is extremely large, and very strong. Their web is constructed to catch grasshoppers, flies and other similar small insects. The golden silk spider is good for lowering the insect population, as a lot of spiders do, but scientists are also discovering that they can help with many interesting things such as this.

“An important way in which golden silk spiders benefit humans is with the use of their dragline thread (the silk). N. clavipes, in particular, weave rather strong webs compared to other species of spiders. Currently, there are tests being done on the potential benefits of human use of the dragline thread. The dragline in golden silk spiders surpasses the strength of "Kevlar," which is a fiber used in bullet-proof vests. The dragline thread is biodegradable, stronger than steel, and economically valuable.” http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Nephila_clavipes.html

These spiders only bite in defense (Ex: if you hold or pinch them) and even if you get bit there is very little danger. The bite causes a slight pain and slight redness, which goes away within 24 hours. The bite is less severe than a bee sting.
So this is why I felt the need to save this spider when it got all tangled up in his web. I did not want this lovely creation to die!!! Plus he is just so cute! See him???

see me?

WOW, that's big!

agressive pose

safe at last

what a cute little furry face :-D


Unknown said...

I think banana spiders are quite beautiful. That is, when they are OUTSIDE.

Did Christina tell you of the Gecko Travesty yesterday? I picked up a scrapbook bag from the floor and out jumps this little pink gecko. Of course, I started screaming hysterically and jumped up on a chair. Brooke was laughing, but was also afraid to touch the thing. She scares him up UNDER my china cabinet.

I called Steve to come and rescue us from the Mean Flesh Eating Gecko (that was about 3" long tip to tail). He did and as he was taking it out the back door, I said, "Wait! Let Brooke get a picture of it!" He rolls his eyes at me and stalks out. No picture for my blog. :^( I was sad.

Then this morning, I find ANOTHER gecko as I was sweeping - this one was smaller and already dead. Good gracious. It's an invasion!

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