Friday, August 10, 2007

Henna Happiness

For my birthday this year, I wanted a tattoo…okay, don’t panic, it was just henna! I invited several friends and we all learned what henna was and it’s significance in certain cultures.
There are many different ways to mix up henna. One way is:
Sift out enough henna to make about 1-1 ¼ cups dry sifted henna.
Take to packets of instant coffee singles (the ones that look like tea bags_ and boil hard in about 1 ½ cups of water until it boils down to about ¾ of a cup of dark liquid.
Mix just enough coffee into the powder to create a thick paste. The hot liquid will make the powder ball up a little, so be sure to mix it until it is well blended and smooth. Add about 2 tablespoons lemon juice; fresh is best.
Add about 5 drops of eucalyptus oil.
Add about 5 drops of clove oil.

After you make your paste you will need something to put it in. There are bottles you can buy or you can make freezer bag cones. I have done henna 5 times and I LOVE it! Although most Americans do henna just for fun, the East Indian people do it for festivals and take it very seriously. For instance, for the bride’s wedding she spends a whole entire day just on her Henna. The bridal party and family turn her body into a story with henna tattoos. Here is a sight I have found that is really good.

birthday girl's butterfly

Jordyn's turtle

Morgan's dragonfly

Brooke's squiggles

an "after" shot - this is what the tattoo looks like when the henna is wiped off...Brenna's flower