Thursday, July 19, 2007

Mom's Turn:Another What!!!

Just what I needed to take on…one more craft *grin* As much as I love doing new things – the unfinished ones seem to be taking over my space. However, this new one I just couldn’t resist! It’s called Swedish Weave – can you guess why I like it?
Some neat facts: Swedish weaving became popular in America in the 1940’s to decorate the borders of towels. It can also be used to make table runners, afghans, pillows, placemats, and cards – things I might venture into when I get the hang of it.
Info from:

Swedish weaving is distinguishable in a couple of ways. The stitching only shows on the front of the fabric and when you turn the fabric over, the floss does not show on the back. Traditional Swedish Weave designs are usually mirror images, both top to bottom and side to side.
In the beginning:

Another sample from you local Swede: